About me

My love for the kitchen began at a young age ~ as a child I would stand on a chair pulled up to the kitchen counter, learning how to crimp pie crusts and cut out cookies. I was often on my own after school while my mother worked, so my repertoire expanded to include such delicacies as English muffin pizzas and recipes from the Nancy Drew Cookbook. Once I got older and started preparing food for others, I realized that my talents needed to be refined, and so I began the journey to hone my skills as a chef. Now, after years of study and practice, I am happy to say that I know that a tablespoon of cayenne is not a good way to season a dish of pasta. 🙂

Becoming vegan has been one of the defining moments of my life. I was vegetarian for many years prior, and thought I was one who would never make that final transition. When I did, it changed the way that I saw all living creatures, and my relationship with them. I am happy that I am living the most compassionate lifestyle that I am able to, and feel healthier and happier because of it.

From that journey, I hope that my love for preparing food for others and for sharing this amazing lifestyle are evident.

Oh, and here’s my professional bio ~

Kelli Roberts is a skilled Vegan Chef with a certificate in plant-based diet from Cornell University, and has studied health and nutrition at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She has spent hundreds of hours learning about the benefits of a vegan diet and healthful cooking techniques. Kelli teaches vegan cooking classes and programs to transition to a plant-based diet (online and in person), and offers individualized nutrition and lifestyle counseling. She is also a Level 3-certified TriYoga teacher. With this training, she leads vegan yoga retreats that offer a complete package of wellness, including yoga classes, group meal preparation, health and nutrition information, and techniques to bring this knowledge actively into our daily lives.

14 thoughts on “About me”

  1. Hey Kelli, congrats on your blog! So nice to see you are doing this. Vegan lifestyle is very important in the world of today… And Vegan recepies are allways welcome! I just turned vegan 4 weeks ago but I was avegetarian for about 15 to 18 years allready. I will follow your blog and try out some recepies. I like cooking very much. I am a stay at home mom but before I had kids I was a holistic health practioner. I also studied nutrition in my education besides other things. So following your blog suits me well! Thank you for sharing on this blog. JGD!

    1. Dear Saskia,

      Thanks for visiting! Congratulations on your diet shift ~ being vegan is such a significant thing to do for the animals, your health and the environment. I hope you enjoy the recipes and other information. If there are any particular types of recipes you’d like to see, please let me know!

  2. Hi Kelli! I discovered your blog through Poppy’s Patisserie/Bunny Kitchen. I think it’s wonderful that you teach vegan cooking classes. I went vegan a year and a half ago which forced me to learn how to cook (I lived off frozen foods before that). I’ve learned a lot about cooking, but I’ve still got so much more to learn! I’m excited that I discovered your blog and look forward to more of your posts! Celeste 🙂

  3. Purchased a 2 hr. Class through groupon, my friend did also on 11/5 at SJC. Think I got mine at Irvine – can I switch to SJC?

  4. Wow – I love your blog! I just stumbled across it this morning… overwhelmed with lots of great vegan goodies… so happy to follow along! xx Bianca

  5. Hi Kelli,

    So glad I stumbled upon your blog, your recipes look fantastic and you’re so inspiring! I’ve only recently gotten into yoga and while I’m constantly on-and-off the wagon, I know that if I incorporate it into my life long term it will make a huge difference to how I feel.

    Looking forward to seeing more in future!


    1. Welcome, Sian ~ I’m glad you found the blog! I’m very happy to have you join us here. TriYoga is the best ~ if I can share any info with you about that as well, I’m happy to.

  6. Hi Kelli, I enjoyed the workshop at UC Davis on January 14. I would like a copy of your powerpoint slides. I have subscribed to your blog. Thank you for all the useful information! Terri Planiden

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