
Virtual Vegan Potluck: Spicy Cranberry Orange Cocktail


Welcome to the November 2013 Virtual Vegan Potluck! This is my third VVP, and it’s so fun to be a part of this incredible group of bloggers who come together with their amazing creations twice a year. Thanks to Annie and all of her helpers who keep it all going!

In the past, I’ve done a side dish and a dessert, so this time I decided to try my hand at a beverage, which is always fun. And this year, Annie threw in a special twist ~ bloggers have the option to use the featured ingredient, which is beets. I decided to go all the way and add it in… and once I heard what it was, I knew instantly which direction I’d take.

One thing that I love about this time of year is the beautiful jewel-colored produce ~ ruby red pomegranates and cranberries, emerald greens, and amber-tinged persimmons and squash. This drink uses the tartness from the cranberries, sweetness of orange, earthiness of the beet, and a spicy ginger zing to create an amazing multi-layered flavor combination.


This can be made either in a juicer or a blender. All of the ingredients can be put through the juicer, or blended together (adding a bit of water if needed to get it going) and then strained. Either way, it’s going to be delicious!


Spicy Cranberry Orange Cocktail

  • 1 cup fresh cranberries
  • 1 beet
  • 1 orange, peeled
  • 1 tablespoon orange zest (or leave the peel on half of the orange listed above)
  • 1/4″ – 1/2″ nub of fresh ginger, depending on how spicy you like it
  • sparkling water
  • garnishes: orange peel, cranberries, sugar

Put all of the ingredients except the sparkling water through the juicer, or blend and strain it through a nut milk bag or cheesecloth. Put 1/4-1/2 cup of the juice into a glass and add sparkling water to top it off. Garnish with an orange twist and extra cranberries.

To sugar the rim of your glass (which adds an extra amazing taste), rub the rim of the glass with a slice of orange and dip it into a dish that has a layer of sugar. The sugar will adhere to the glass and the juice will add more orangey taste to the drink.

Makes 2-4, depending on how much juice you use in each cocktail.


I just love the way this came out! It’s beautiful, delicious, and so fun to make it look pretty.  🙂

And now onward we go ….

To visit Thoughts About Veganism, the blog before mine, click to go back~


To visit The Compassion.i.t., the blog after mine, click to go forward~


And to go to the beginning of the party, click here or on the VVP image at the top of the post.

Happy reading!

63 thoughts on “Virtual Vegan Potluck: Spicy Cranberry Orange Cocktail”

    1. Thanks, Allison! As soon as I heard that Annie had chosen beets, I knew it had to be a drink with cranberries. And I love cranberry orange together, so that sealed the deal 🙂

    1. Thanks, Annie! It was such fun to make and fun to incorporate the beet! Thanks so much for being Super-Organizer for us!

    1. Thanks, Somer! I bet this would also make a great holiday punch… I think it would look fabulous in a big punchbowl.

    1. Thank you! I do too ~ I make cranberry orange bread, cranberry orange scones, cranberry orange oatmeal, and I think my fave is a cranberry orange smoothie! 🙂

    1. Ha! I was going to add that champagne could be substituted for the sparkling water, for those who roll that way, but I figured they would get it 🙂

  1. Oh this looks delightful! I have all of the ingredients except fresh cranberries. Do you think raspberries would ‘work’ instead?

    1. Yes, I think they would. It may need more ginger or orange, since the cranberries have a stronger flavor than raspberries, but I think it could be good!

  2. Check it out you even put salt around the glass and added ginger to boot so it is pretty and great for my tummy too.

    1. Thanks Susmitha ~ I’ll send one right over your way 🙂 And that’s the beauty of it – it doubles as a fancy cocktail and your morning juice!

  3. I was making a lot of fresh juices this summer when it was nice and toasty warm outside, but now that the weather has cooled off, I’ve slowed down on it. I like your wintery take on this juice with cranberries, orange, and ginger. I have almost all of the ingredients in my kitchen already! Is this kismet or what? Thanks for the recipe, Kelli!

  4. I love that I have all of the ingredients already on hand to make this! It looks beautiful, I bet it tastes just as good.

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