
Upside Down Apple ‘n’ Oat Mini Cakes from Laura Theodore’s Vegan-Ease

I'm happy to be sharing this wonderful recipe today, from the new paperback release of Laura Theodore’s Vegan-Ease cookbook. The beautiful hardcover came out a few years ago, and now you have the option to get it in a handy paperback! Laura's mission is to provide nutritionally-dense recipes that are easy to make at home. Her… Continue reading Upside Down Apple ‘n’ Oat Mini Cakes from Laura Theodore’s Vegan-Ease

Product Review

Product Review: Jem Cinnamon Red Maca Almond Butter

I've heard of Jem raw nut butters a few times in recent months, but I'd never bought any.  Then, when I was on vacation a couple of weeks ago, I saw a jar in the store and decided to splurge on it. Somehow when I'm on vacation, special treats seem much more reasonable :-). I didn't… Continue reading Product Review: Jem Cinnamon Red Maca Almond Butter